Health and satfy for blog 2

Monday, February 26, 2007

Web Health in the Future

doctor on web

As information on the web grows and increases for each health topic, there will be more scrutiny, review and control. More websites will contain valid information that will be certified by an appropriate health agency and or government. This will enable an individual to research these sites and perform self-diagnosis for their particular health topic. To ensure accurate self-diagnoses an individual could do a series of “tests or surveys” and pending the response will verify a particular health condition. Already there is an increase of medication and drugs that no longer require a prescription from the doctor and in the future this will only increase. For instance, not too long ago for yeast infections women had to go and visit a medical professional and obtain a prescription. Now treatment is available at the drug store.

Self-diagnosis will be helpful and a time saving in general. It will also mean that an individual that has completed thorough research saves valuable “medical time” and steps. Upon the first visit with a medical authority they can agree on the best option for treatment and not waste time. For all health issues this will be a benefit all round for everyone involved.

Today we can call a 1-800 number 24 hours, 7 days a week for free health consultation from a professional Registered Nurse. Perhaps in the near future we can talk to a Registered Nurse on a “certified” government or specialized health website. It would be interactive with the ability for the nurse to send you detailed information regarding whatever the health challenge, illness or information that you are looking for. The nurse can direct you for further treatment and or set up the appropriate appointment. She can also direct you should emergency treatment is recommended.

The medical community uses the web in number of ways to advance research and treatment. Links have been set up between countries, cities and remote regions to bring medical experts together in the fight against disease and advance treatment. Technology advances have established links into medical centers and surgery operating rooms to reach areas without the medical expertise or facilities. In the future, we can be linked to the “doctor’s office” through the web. Why go into an office for a visit if the health questions or issue can be dealt with effectively, efficiently through the web. Through “authorized or government approved sites” we can connect and have a scheduled appointment with a medical professional such as a nurse, doctor or specialist via the net. The web session would be real time, interactive, using advanced web-cam technology. Technological advances for real time interactive sessions could be certified through eye retina recognition to certify both the patient and medical expert.

Individuals prior to the “net visit” research their challenge via the net. They would already know what would be recommended and expected. For conditions requiring “closer examination” sophisticated technological instrumentation will be used on the net. This equipment will act as a “smart card” and “read or x-ray” the body immediately to assess the medical condition or stage of the illness. The medical professional can quickly verify the self-diagnosis without wasting time. This would mean more patients could be “seen” and dealt with, rather than time and effort involved with visiting a medical facility. This could improve the “waiting time” that current medical attention is obtained. It also will mean that more lives will be saved and health issues will be addressed immediately.

Only for situations requiring you to be there in person would require a “visit to the doctor”. These visits would be required only if immediate treatment would be required at designated emergency clinics; for example, a major accident or incident requiring life-saving treatment. Otherwise, upon completion of the interactive medical treatment a prescription if required would be sent to a preferred pharmacy for pickup or they can be delivered. If treatments of any type are required these will be set up immediately and notification will be sent via the net to the individual regarding their appointment or next treatment steps.

So in my opinion, the future of health and the web is filled with hope and possibilities that are exciting. We can only hope that they are not too far in the distant future.

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